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To build an affluent society, the youth must be involved in prevention of substance

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, জুন ১৩, ২০২৩,

-Director General, Department of Narcotics Control

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Youth is the time for our brain to grow and develop. Using of substances at a young age affect brain development processes. It can also caliber their decisions. As a result, they are more likely to engage in venturous activities including substance use. The earlier young people start using substances, the more likely they are to become substance dependent later in life. So young society should be involved in the activities for preventing substance use. In addition, the involvement of families, educational institutions, society and media in substance prevention programs can play a role in substance use reduction.

Director General of Department of Narcotics Control Abdul Wahab Bhuya said this in the speech as the chief guest at the discussion meeting organized by Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology and Dhaka Ahsania Mission Health Sector’s joint initiative today, Monday, June 12, at the Dr. M. H. Khan auditorium of Ahsanullah Science and Technology University titled ” Role of youth in building an affluent society and curbing substance use ” on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2023.. He also said people who use substances, especially those struggling with addiction, face discrimination and barriers to getting help. That is why we need to be compassionate and caring towards those who use substances so that they can return to a healthy and normal life. This is why this year the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has set the theme for the International Drug Day as “People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention”.

Director of Student Guidance and Counseling Center and Departmental Chairman of Educational and Counseling Psychology Department of Dhaka University Prof. Dr. Mehjabeen Haque and Chief Consultant of Central Drug Treatment Center Dr Shoibur Reza Chowdhury attended the event as special guests.

The key speaker of the program Prof. Dr. Helal Uddin Ahmed who is the associate professor of the National Institute of Mental Health said, better communication between parent and children increases the self-confidence of the children, as a result of which problems can be identified quickly and can be solved. Youth should be diligent about teaching self-control and responsibility. Youth who use substances are at greater risk than others in suffering from mental health problems, including depression, behavior problems, personality disorders, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts. Founder of “Eso Nije Kori” Mental Health Center and psychotherapist Sonia Parveen said that the youth are part of social change. As the growing substance problem affects them, the policy makers need to take timely and effective actions. Social stigma should not be a barrier in receiving medical care.

Special guest Dr. Mehjabeen Haque said some youths are at increased risk of engaging in various risky and criminal activities, including substance abuse. This requires collective resistance. Dr. Shoibur Reza Chowdhury said that youth may face other health risks including HIV and STDs due to substance use. Besides, trauma, dropout from education, loss of life can also happen. Stigma is the negative attitude, belief, or behavior that substance users experience. Because of their life circumstances we must ensure that they are not denied treatment.

Vice-Chancellor of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology and president at the meeting Professor Dr. Muhammad Fazli Elahi said youths who use substances often influence their peers to take substance. Young people who use substance often have academic difficulties, health-related problems (including mental health), poor health etc. Students of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology can set an example by participating in anti-drug activities.

In his welcome address, Iqbal Masud, director of health and WASH sector of the Dhaka Ahsania Mission, said that starting with smoking cigarettes can leads to other substance dependencies and tobacco companies have adopted various strategies to lure college and university students. At present, the promotion of e-cigarettes is tempting students. Everyone should be aware of the tobacco company’s rein.

Besides, Additional Director of Department of Narcotics Control, Zafarullah Kajal, and Ahsanullah Science and Technology University’s Student Welfare Adviser Professor Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Youth Leader Marzana Muntaha and Aqib Dipu also spoke at the program. After the meeting, the members of Ahsania Mission Youth Forum for Health and Wellbeing organized awareness raising human bonding.

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