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The official theme song of Dhaka Summer Con is out now

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, জুন ২৭, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : The country’s biggest pop culture festival ‘Dhaka Summer Con 2023’ is going to be held for three days on July 13th, 14th and 15th at International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB) in the capital. To add a new dimension to the excitement of the upcoming festival, the ‘Dhaka Summer Con’ theme song ‘Escape’ was released; it is the first ever theme song created for a pop culture festival.

Renowned heavy metal band Mechanix has joined by star artists Raef Al Hasan Rafa, Shishir Ahmed and Black Zang to compose the music for this unique arrangement; On Tuesday, the song got released along with its music video on the official YouTube channel of ‘Dhaka Summer Con’ and all other social media platforms.

The song ‘Escape’ is penned by Sheikh M Reaz, renowned drummer of Mechanics Band and AGM of MediaQuest Bangladesh. ‘Escape’ will motivate and inspire those youth who are full of passion, fearless and have the urge to do something different. A portion of the song has been rapped by the popular hip-hop artist, Black Zang. Shishir Ahmed directed and supervised the composition of the theme song.

Mechanix vocalist Aftabuzzaman Tridib said about the song ‘Escape’, ‘Mechanix is always committed to giving fans something new. Our plan remained the same with this theme song of Dhaka Summer Con. I hope everyone will listen to the song and make the festival a success by participating in Dhaka Summer Con 2023.

Convener of Dhaka Summer Con and Co-founder of MediaQuest Bangladesh, Tariqul Sumon said, ‘We are going to organize this festival for the first time with all kinds of entertainment. Dhaka Summer Con will be like a grand get together of all the popular music bands and comic communities of the country. The song ‘Escape’ will instill confidence in every person and inspire them to do something new.’

Srabon Sagor, Co-founder of MediaQuest Bangladesh said, ‘MediaQuest is always trying to do something extraordinary out of the ordinary. Dhaka Summer Con is one such initiative. Dhaka Summer Con is determined to give pop-culture a platform in our country and that’s exactly what is revealed in this song ‘Escape’. This is the first pop-culture festival in the country to have its own theme-song.

The country’s top local event management and public relations organization MediaQuest Bangladesh is going to organize this festival for the first time with Comics, Cosplay, Concert, Gaming, K-pop, Hip-hop, Art and all kinds of entertainment. Dhaka Summer Con is being organized with the idea of ​​creating a globally inspiring experience and establishing an international standard platform in the concerned community.

For more updates visit the official Facebook page, Dhaka Summer Con – https://www.facebook.com/dhakasummercon. Listen to the song on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TX3r_rPHA98 । Also the official event page- https://facebook.com/events/s/dhaka-summer-con-2023/196643493359105/.

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