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Tales of Mithila’s tough time behind the beautiful pictures

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  • Update Time : রবিবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ১৮, ২০২২,

Celebrated model and actress Rafiath Rashid Mithila has
been working as Head of
Early Childhood Development Department of BRAC for many days. Due to her job, she has to often visit different countries. She posts natural beauties of these countries where she
visits. After seeing these posts and images, many people think Mithila is passing happy days with her job and travelling. But behind the delightful moments, there are some pains which yet not disclosed by her to all. This time Mithila has disclosed some of her pains to all.
In this regard, Mithila said, “Let me share a story with those who only notice me when I post nice pictures but don’t have any clue about the background story which usually are stories of hardship.”
Mithila has just returned to Kolkata from Sierra Leone, a country in West Africa, after attending a workshop on early childhood development last Friday. Before that the actress was in Uganda for two weeks where she attended different types of training programmes and workshops for the people who are living there.
After completing the field visits in Uganda she travelled in Sierra Leone. While talking in this regard, Mithila said, “For last three weeks I was out for work. I had to leave my daughter at home. To make our living I had to be in a different country, miles away from my home and these travels were not for fun. I had to work with people from different walks, had to travel from cities to villages, had to go through long tiring journeys for hours. I usually post the nice pictures and happy quotes because I want to share positivities.”
“I am proud to be an international development worker as I have the opportunity to work in different countries so, I try to keep the tough experiences to myself for the future,” she also said.
In the day of her return, Mithila had to face a lot of tough time as the weather was stormy since the afternoon. She expressed her experiences by this way, “As you all know, the capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown is on the bank of Atlantic Ocean and the airport is quite far from the capital. It is in Lungi and one has to travel through Atlantic in a ferry for an hour. As the weather was stormy I was really worried. I love the sea but also have fear when the sea not stable. The time of my ferry which was a sea coach was at 2:00am, I went there at 1:00am and I was really scared at that time. I got all wet because there was a heavy rain when I got down from the ferry and heading to catch the bus to the airport. When I reached the airport it was 4:00am.”

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