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  Rapper Ali Hasan Perform in Toffee’s World Cup Cricket Music Video

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, অক্টোবর ৫, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Toffee releases a new rap music video today titled “Toffee-te Cricket Bishwo Cup Dekhbe Bangladesh (Bangladesh will enjoy Cricket World Cup in Toffee)” to enhance the World Cup celebration. The song is performed by emerging rapper Aly Hasan in the music video directed by Arafat Mohsin Nidhi.

The music video is centered on Toffee’s “real live-streaming experience”. Viewers can enjoy the song on the social media platforms of Toffee. This digital streaming platform will enable cricket lovers from across the country to enjoy all the matches of the world’s most prestigious cricket tournament on any network.

Muhammad Abul Khair Chowdhury, Marketing Deputy Director, Toffee, Banglalink, said, “Toffee, is known for its cutting-edge technology and seamless streaming capabilities. We are delighted to release the music video to showcase Toffee’s streaming superiority contextually and creatively. Moreover, we hope it will add to the craze of World Cup celebrations across the country.”

In addition to live sports coverage, Toffee offers a wide range of content, including TV series, dramas, web series, TV channels, and user-generated content, as part of their commitment to continue as the best entertainment platform in the country. The Toffee App is available on the Google Play Store for Android device users and on the App Store for iOS users.

For more information and updates, visit https://toffeelive.com/  or follow Toffee on  https://www.facebook.com/toffeebangladesh

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