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Padma Bank Inaugurates its Uttara-6 Sub-Branch

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর ২৯, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter Dhaka : Padma Bank Limited inaugurated the Uttara-6 Sub-Branch to make financial transactions easier for Uttara residents. It will be operated under the Uttara Branch.

All types of banking services, including opening of bank accounts, cash deposits and withdrawals, check book and pay order issue, clearing checks and pay order deposits, deposit and loan facilities, real-time online banking facilities and utility bill deposits, are available in this Sub-Branch.

Padma Bank Managing Director and CEO Tarek Reaz Khan formally inaugurated the Sub-Branch in Uttara on Tuesday. At this time, he thanked all customers for being with Padma Bank. He said customers are the motivation of Padma Bank. The Padma Bank family is committed to providing modern, technology-based services as per their needs. He also said that Padma Bank will bring many more attractive new products and services in near future. He requested customers to banking with confidence in any branch, sub-branch, or agent banking outlet of Padma Bank when seeking banking services.

Padma Bank’s EVP, CAMLCO & Head of Operation Syed Towhid Hossain along with senior officials of various departments and local dignitaries, social workers, and people of various classes and professions, were also present at the event. The programme ended with “Dua and Milad Mahfil”.

The fourth generation of Padma Bank Limited, under the main ownership of Government owned Sonali, Janata, Agrani, Rupali Bank, and ICB, has been providing banking services to customers through 59 branches, 5 sub-branches, and 7 agent banking outlets across the country.

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