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Open CMSE Credit Disbursement Program

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  • Update Time : সোমবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ২৬, ২০২২,

staff reporter, Dhaka : The Premier Bank Limited organized an “Open Cottage, Micro & Small Enterprise Credit Disbursement Program” at Dr. H.B.M Iqbal Education City, Bhairab, Kishoregonj. In the program chaired by Mr. M. Reazul Karim, FCMA, Managing Director & CEO The Premier Bank Ltd., Mr. Md. Obaidul Hoque, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank was present as Chief Guest & Mr. Md. Jaker Hossain, Director, SME & Special Programmes Department, Bangladesh Bank as Special Guest. Mr. Muhammed Ali, Honorable Advisor, The Premier Bank Ltd., Mr. Syed Nowsher Ali, DMD & Banani Branch Head, Mr. Md. Shahid Hassan Mallik, DMD & Narayangonj Branch and Zonal Head, Mr. Sayed Abul Hashem FCA, FCMA, DMD & Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Anisul Kabir, SEVP & Chief Credit Officer were also present in the program. Mr. Mohammed Emtiaz Uddin, SEVP & Head of SME & Agriculture Banking Division, The Premier Bank Ltd. delivered the Welcome Speech in the program. Through the Open Cottage, Micro & Small Enterprise Credit Disbursement Program, The Premier Bank Ltd. handed over cheque to the 15 selected Cottage & Micro loan customers in presence of 400 CMS Entrepreneurs. Mr. Muhammed Ali, Advisor, The Premier Bank Limited, focused on extending finance to the marginal entrepreneurs of the country towards building a Sonar Bangla envisioned by the Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Mr. M. Reazul Karim, FCMA, Managing Director & CEO, The Premier Bank Limited, emphasized on the proper utilization of the loan & expressed optimism to replicate the model of Cottage, Micro & Small loan financing program all over Bangladesh. Chief Guest of the program Mr. Md. Obaidul Hoque stated that Bangladesh would become the developed country if all marginal Cottage, Micro & Small entrepreneurs could be brought under the financial inclusion. He also expressed thanks to the Premier Bank Limited for providing loan facility to the marginal Cottage, Micro entrepreneurs in the remote area of Bangladesh.

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