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Huawei BUET ICT Academy Welcomes Application for its 2nd batch

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, মে ১৮, ২০২৩,

Registration open till 25 May
Staff Reporter, Dhaka : The anticipation is finally over as the registration is now open for a new batch of Huawei BUET ICT Academy. Interested learners can register till 25 May to join the class from 8 June 2023 at ECE Building, BUET and get Huawei Certified ICT Associate (HCIA) certificate.

4th-year undergraduate students, post-graduate students and graduates from the relevant engineering departments (e.g., EEE/CSE/CS/ICE/ECE/ETE/EECE/IT) can enjoy this great opportunity to brush up skills as hands-on training. This new batch will have training on Cloud Computing and Storage for seven weeks where each week will have four hours of classes.

Registration process is very easy and hassle-free. Students can submit the application form on https://iict.buet.ac.bd/ or https://eee.buet.ac.bd/. Then the applicants need to wait for the confirmation email from the authority. 30 participants in each course will be selected. Selected students will be asked to pay the registration fee through Pay Order (PO)/Demand Draft (DD) in favor of ‘Huawei-BUET ICT Academy’ and submit the PO/DD to the Huawei-BUET ICT Academy. Finally, after sending a scanned copy/photocopy of the PO/DD to this email (huaweibuetict@gmail.com), participants will receive a confirmation email with further instructions. for training.

It is mentionable that Huawei has more than 1500 such ICT academies in 90+ countries around the world. In continuation of its efforts to develop an ICT ecosystem in Bangladesh, Huawei BUET ICT Academy was launched on BUET premises on 23 March 2022 and its formal journey was kicked off on 12 January 2023. Recently, 24 students of the 1st batch have graduated from this academy and received certification. Huawei Authorized Information and Network Academy (HAINA) coordinates the course and provided certification.

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