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Country’s first-ever NSDA certified PTI programme with 15 graduates concluded by Berger

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  • Update Time : শনিবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৫, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : The first batch of National Skills Development Authority (NSDA) certified painters from Berger’s Painters Training Institute (PTI), have graduated through a ceremony held at Berger PTI Institute in the capital’s Tejgaon recently. With the skills attained through this program, this group of painters will have a better opportunity to acquire jobs in and outside Bangladesh!

The training involved month-long classes and written, oral, and practical assessments to upskill and reskill painters for the international labour market. This is the first time that such an initiative has been taken in Bangladesh, enabled by Berger, and is directed towards training painters and providing them with certifications that eventually contribute to attaining high-profile painting jobs. PTI is accredited by NSDA, making Berger the only paint-related company working with NSDA. The programme began with 20 participants and was successfully concluded with 15 certified painters. This gave rise to the first-ever batch of painters in the country receiving Level 2 certification by the Government Authority NSDA at the Berger PTI facility. More than 6000 painters have been trained and certified by Berger PTI to date.

The painters’ training and certificates by NSDA aim to improve labor productivity, accuracy, and quality of work; enhance product knowledge; improve communication skills; and ensure compliance with regulations. Eventually, this will lead to an ultimate improvement in earning power as candidates post training will be prepared according to industry needs within the local and overseas market.

Adhering to the aim of serving the nation as a knowledge hub and centre of expertise in the Paint and Decoration Industry with proper training while also advocating professionalism and ethics, Berger PTI plans to incorporate a few categories under the PTI and NSDA certifications. This includes Occupation, Lacquer Polishing for the furniture sector, Car Painting, High Build Industrial Coatings, Marine Coatings, and Powder Coating.

Consequently, this initiative by Berger will add greater value to the painters’ qualifications, which will go on to improve their living standards significantly. Besides, Berger is the only organization to have introduced such a training program partnered with the Government body focused on creating skilled workers. Eventually, this also creates the opportunity for this group of painters to improve their livelihood, for themselves and their families. Beginning with 15 certified painters from this first batch, Berger aims to produce a greater number of graduates going forward. Berger believes that this initiative can go a long way in inspiring other organizations to work towards similar skill development goals, adding value to human resources across industries.

Tanzeen Alam, Chief Marketing Officer of Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited, said, “Berger is the first ever company in the industry to have come forward with such a training program. We have come up with this initiative to upskill painters and make them better qualified to acquire jobs anywhere across the globe. I believe this will also inspire market players from other industries to come forward and work towards similar goals focusing on skill development.”

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