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BRAC University Commemorates Independence Day and Genocide Remembrance Day

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  • Update Time : রবিবার, এপ্রিল ৭, ২০২৪,

BRAC University commemorated the memory of the valiant martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the great Liberation War of 1971 through various programs recently. On March 25, a discussion event titled ‘Remembering the 1971 Genocide’ was organized. In observance of the Great Independence Day and National Day on March 26, a quiz competition was held, and On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, prizes were distributed among the winners of the quiz competition.

BRAC University organized the quiz competition digitally on March 26, in conjunction with the observance of the Great Independence Day and National Day. Nearly two thousand teachers, students, and staff members participated in this quiz competition. The diverse and engaging questions in the quiz competition have helped participants to understand Bangladesh’s great Liberation War more effectively. It was aimed at enabling students to gain a deeper understanding of the nine-month-long bloody struggle for independence in Bangladesh and the sacrifices of the brave martyrs.

Prior to the quiz completion, on March 25, Genocide Remembrance Day was observed with an event titled “Remembering the 1971 Genocide.” Dr. Nahid Afroze Kabir, Professor of the Department of English and Humanities, shed light on the ruthless massacre perpetrated by the Pakistani forces on March 25, 1971, urging for Pakistan’s apology to the people of Bangladesh for the genocide.


On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, Acting of BRAC University Vice-Chancellor Professor Syed Mahfuzul Aziz distributed prizes for the quiz competition. In the quiz competition, Asif Iqbal Khan Nuhash, Shamiur Rahman, and Mohammad Jawadul Haque from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahatab Uddin, Site Engineer of the New Campus, Abdul Malek, Assistant Manager of IT Systems, and Ishmam Tasin, Research Assistant of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, emerged as winners.

Speaking at the prize distribution ceremony of the quiz competition, Professor Syed Mahfuzul Aziz said, ‘We have achieved our independence through much bloodshed and sacrifice. The blood of the martyrs of the great Liberation War shall not go in vain. At any cost, we must keep our consciousness of independence intact to build a happy and prosperous nation. It is our responsibility, including our students, to take on this duty.’

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