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BRAC Bank’s career talk comes to DU

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৮, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : BRAC Bank has organized a career talk at the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Dhaka, sensitizing the students on their career planning.

This was part of a series of career talks BRAC Bank has been organizing at different universities to sensitize the graduating students and help them better understand and prepare for the job market through an interactive session.

As a leading private commercial bank in Bangladesh, having 7,800 coworkers, BRAC Bank is one of the top recruiters in the banking sector. Being an employer of choice, BRAC Bank recruits the best talent, upskills them and helps them progress on the career ladder.

At the event on February 7, 2023, M Masud Rana FCA, Deputy Managing Director & CFO, BRAC Bank, conducted a session titled ‘BRAC Bank as an Employer of Choice’, where he elaborated on the opportunity the bank provides to its people to grow as a corporate professional and realize full potential.

Akhteruddin Mahmood, Head of Human Resources, conducted a session on ‘Prepare yourself for a Great Career’ where he shared tips with the students for building a successful career. More than 200 student participated in the session.

M Masud Rana FCA said: “BRAC Bank is one of the leading employers in the banking sector of Bangladesh. Over the years, the bank has become a home to the talents of the banking sector. BRAC Bank has emerged as the employer of choice thanks to its people-care initiatives, work environment, ethics, transparency, brand value and good corporate governance.”

“We have come to Dhaka University, the country’s oldest university, with a promise of helping its graduates flourish to their full potential and build a bright career. Our Young Leadership Programme is the best in the banking industry, providing intensive training and fast-track career progression. Moreover, working in a values-based bank helps its people contribute to the country’s socio-economic development,” he added.

Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdul Moyeen, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies; Dr. Hasina Sheykh, Professor & Chairperson, Department of Banking and Insurance; and Professor Dr. Mohammad Anisur Rahman, EMBA Director, Department of MIS, University of Dhaka; were present.

From BRAC Bank, Rishad Hossain, Head of Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding; and Ahmad Imtiaz Sobhan, Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding; were present.

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