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BRAC Bank signs custodial service agreement with VIPB Asset Management

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, মার্চ ২৮, ২০২৪,

Thursday, March 28: BRAC Bank PLC. and VIPB Asset Management Company Limited have signed a custodial service agreement.
Under this agreement, BRAC Bank will provide custodial services for the ‘VIPB Fixed Income Fund’, an upcoming open-ended mutual fund to be managed by VIPB Asset Management Company.
Tareq Refat Ullah Khan, Deputy Managing Director & Head of Corporate Banking, BRAC Bank; and Md. Shahidul Islam, CFA, CEO, VIPB Asset Management Company; signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations on March 20, 2024.
From BRAC Bank, AKM Faisal Halim, Head of Transaction Banking; Mohammad Arif Chowdhury, Unit Head; Khan Muhammad Faisol, CFA, Senior Manager, Transaction Banking, were present.
From VIPB Asset Management Company, Biplab Das, FCCA, Head of Investments; Rashedul Hasan Yasin, FCCA, Senior Manager, Finance & Fund Operations, VIPB Asset Management Company, were also present at the signing ceremony along with senior officials of both the organizations.

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