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Bengal Commercial Bank promoted K. M. Awlad Hossain as AMD

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, এপ্রিল ৪, ২০২৪,

K. M. Awlad Hossain has been promoted as Additional Managing Director of Bengal Commercial Bank PLC. recently. He joined this Bank as the Deputy Managing Director & Chief Business Officer. He played a vital role in the journey of achieving business goal of the Bank as Chief Business Officer since starting its commercial operation. Before joining this Bank he was the Chief Operating Officer of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. and served there for 17 years in different capacities including as Head of Branch and Chief Business Officer. He started his professional career with Agrani Bank as senior officer.
In an illustrious career of more than 30 years, he worked with different Banks and gained experience in different fields of banking including Branch Banking, Foreign Exchange Business, Corporate Banking, re-engineering of Bank’s business process and executing strategic plans for centralized operations.
He has a bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Economics from Jahangirnagar University and completed an MBA from North South University.

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