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Banglalink launches bConnect for enterprise customers

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, অক্টোবর ২৫, ২০২২,

staff Reporter. Dhaka : Banglalink has officially launched the Omni-channel
communication platform bConnect for its enterprise customers in collaboration with Prudent Technologies. This new digital platform will enable enterprises to transform their
businesses and create an amazing engagement experience for their customers in a simpler,
quicker, and more affordable way.
bConnect is a cloud communications suite for enterprises that integrates core telco services to provide Omni-channel communication experience while ensuring customer privacy.

It enhances efficiency through automated processes which are flexible to suit specific needs for corporate-to-customer connectivity.
The announcement was made by Upanga Dutta, Chief Commercial Officer, Banglalink, at the launching ceremony of bConnect. Also present at the ceremony were Bjas Murthy, Chief
Executive Officer, Prudent Technologies, Mehedi Al Amin, Commercial Strategy & B2B Marketing Director,

Banglalink, Rubaiyat A Tanzeen, Enterprise Business Director,
Banglalink, ASM Rasheduzzaman, Head of B2B ICT Solutions, Banglalink, Tawhid Rijwanur Rahman, Business Support System Director, Banglalink and other high officials of the organizations.
Upanga Dutta Chief Commercial Officer, Banglalink, said, “As a solution-oriented future-forward company, we are committed to offering state-of-the-art digital solutions to all our
customer groups. As part of that, bConnect will be a growth catalyst for business organizations by enabling them to engage with their customers more effectively while ensuring customer privacy.”
Bjas Murthy, Chief Executive Officer, Prudent Technologies, said, “We are happy to partner with Banglalink to introduce bConnect. It is praiseworthy how Banglalink is expanding its
digital service portfolio, along with providing its customers with the fastest mobile internet in the country. Innovative solutions like bConnect can create new avenues for companies to
develop better business-to-customer communication.” Banglalink will continue to play its leading role in bringing innovative solutions.

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