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“30 Minute Baki” Is Back Again

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  • Update Time : বুধবার, অক্টোবর ২৬, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter Dhaka : In accordance with the cricket craze of T20 world cup, there will be a match analysis program called “30 Minute Baki” prior to every match of the tournament.

We are renowned as a cricket-obsessed nation, and it is rare to meet someone who hasn’t played the game in the streets, courtyards, or on rooftops. It is interesting to note that cricket is a game that is well understood and closely followed by both men and women from all walks of life. We are familiar with cricket jargon and aware of significant historical and contemporary players and events both on national and international levels.

This “30 Minute Baki” is a great way to brush up on one’s cricket knowledge. To ensure the interest and engagement of the audience, the program has been broken down into some fun and informative segments which are made up of match analysis by cricket experts, interview of team captains live from the stadium, a fun cricket quiz hosted by prominent actor and presenter Shaju Khadem and lastly, live reporting about the match all the way from Australia. The show will be aired on well-known television channel Gazi TV (GTV).

The attraction of cricket is deeply rooted in our nation and therefore we cannot escape this craze even if we wanted to. The audience is getting inspired and entertained by this amazing cricket program during the thrilling T20 World Cup. Keep an eye on the television for this program.

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