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20 volunteers received ‘IVD Bangladesh Volunteer Award 2022’

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, ডিসেম্বর ৬, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : 20 volunteers received ‘IVD Bangladesh Volunteer Award 2022’ for Post-Covid Response Support and Volunteering Actions for Solidarity at the event titled ‘Strengthening Solidarity for Development through Volunteering Actions’ to mark International Volunteer Day (IVD) 2022. Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, UNV Bangladesh, UNFPA, Good Neighbor Bangladesh, WaterAid Bangladesh and UNDP Bangladesh jointly organized the event at QIS Auditorium, LGED Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka. This year’s IVD theme is “Solidarity through volunteering”.

For the second time, UNV Bangladesh has honored 20 Champion UN Volunteers serving in Bangladesh.

Mr. Md Tazul Islam, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives graced the event as the Chief Guest Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim, Secretary, Local Government Division; Ms Van Nguyen, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP, Ms. Doh Young-Ah, Country Director, KOICA, Mr Sk. Md. Mohsin, Chief Engineer, Local Government Engineering Department; Ms Shikha Sarker. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief were present as special guests.

Mr. Md. Tazul Islam said, ‘we would need to strengthen volunteering actions for sustainable development; and this, the efficient implementation of national volunteer policy is critical’.

Mr. Md. Aktar Uddin, Country Coordinator, UNV Bangladesh, Mr Mainuddin Mainul, Country Director, Good Neighbors Bangladesh; Mr. Partha Hefaz Shaikh, Director Policy and Advocacy, WaterAid Bangladesh chaired the event.

Mr. Md Almamun Rakib received 1st award of the ‘IVD Bangladesh Volunteer Award 2022’, Ms. Nupur Akter Nova and Mr. Kysar Hamid received 2nd and 3rd awards respectively.

The other awardees are Mr. Shah Wakilor Rahman, Ms. Sanjana Haque, Ms. Priankha Halder, Mr. Md Mostakim Sarker Niloy, Mr. Md Jamal Hossain, Mr. Md. Khalid Hasan, Mr. Sathi Roy, Ms. Rafat Jahan Moumita, Youth Voice of Chattogram (YVC), Mr. Md Abu Sufian Shake, Mr. Masrur Ishraq, Ms. Tarin Tani Bashar, Mr. Md Alvi Sheikh, Ms. Shain Shain Mya Sony, Ms. Nurjahan, Ms. Sunzida Islam Era and Ms. Fariha Ferdous Khan.

The winners received a crest, medal, certificates and prize money. First prize winner received a prize money of BDT 1,00,000 whereas BDT 60,000 for 2nd prize, 35,000 for 3rd prize, 20,000 for 4th prize, 15,000 for 5th prize, 10,000 for 6th prize, 8,000 for 7th prize, 7,000 for 8th prize, 6,000 for 9th prize and 5,000 for 10th prize winners were given. The rest of the winners received crest and certificates.

Representatives from the government bodies and NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, Volunteer Involving Organizations, Volunteers, youth, and other stakeholders joined the event as well.

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