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Tk 250 discount on bKash payment for Dengue Test at GD Assist

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, জানুয়ারি ৫, ২০২৪,

Dhaka, January 05: Customers can get a Tk 250 discount on bKash payment for dengue test at health services provider GD Assist. The test package includes – sample collection from home, blood and dengue NH1 test, and free consultation from a doctor. Though the regular dengue test package is priced at Tk 1,400, it can be availed at Tk 1,150 through bKash payment.

The offer will continue till January 31, 2024. Customers can make as many transactions as needed during the campaign period.

Customers will get the discount by successfully making a bKash payment through the bKash app, payment gateway, payment link, or by dialling *247#. Details of the offer can be seen on the following links — https://www.bkash.com/en/campaign/gdassist-bkash-offer or https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=768421461985324&id=100064524319388&mibextid=WC7FNe.

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