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Plastic recycling project involving 3 BRAC University students wins pitch contest of OSUN course

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, জানুয়ারি ১৪, ২০২৫,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka :
A plastic recycling project of a multinational student team, whose three members are from BRAC University, has been awarded the first prize of USD 1,500 of
international pitch competition Launch a Different World 2024.
The project focuses on converting recycled plastic into cost-effective 3D printing materials and sustainable products, and in the process, empower communities,
reduce plastic waste, and promote a circular economy. Of the members of “Team Repurpose”, Mohammad Imran Uddin (MBA in
Marketing), Mohiuddin Ahmed (BBA in Finance), and Abtahi Abrar (BBA in Marketing) are studying at BRAC Business School of BRAC University.
Of the remaining two members, Wei Jou Huang (MS in Oceanography) is a student of National Taiwan University, while Maria Vlaykova (BBA in
Management) is from the American University in Bulgaria.
The team plans to launch pilot production and distribute their initial batch of 3D printing filament for testing among firms and services in Bangladesh that create
architectural models and personalized gifts.They are also working on collaborations with the Eindhoven University of Technology, filament company
Recycling Fabrik, and 3D printing service provider Tangible Creative.
The team believes that the future of sustainability lies in Bangladesh and that if it can be done in this country, it can be made possible anywhere in the world.
The pitch competition was run under an Open Society University Network (OSUN) course titled Social Entrepreneurship Practicum which was taught in Fall
The course was co-taught by faculty members of universities and entities in Bangladesh, Palestine, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, the United States, Lithuania, South
Africa, the Netherlands, the Philippines and Ghana.The prize was sponsored by Bard College.
At BRAC University, the course is taught by Dr. Sebastian Groh of BRAC Business School and Neealana Naushin of the School of General Education.

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