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IPDC Finance to Celebrate Mother’s Day Every Month

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  • Update Time : শনিবার, মে ১১, ২০২৪,

Dhaka May 11, 2024 : IPDC Finance Limited has ensured special benefits for its female employees with the unique idea of celebrating Mother’s Day every month. Female employees of IPDC, who are mothers with children up to 5 years old will have the opportunity to avail a ‘work from home’ day every month, from now on. Meaning, they can work from home while spending quality time with their children.

The Managing Director of the company, Mr. Rizwan Dawood Shams stated, “This is a testament to all the mothers who are the superheroes of our life. We are committed to creating a more women-friendly work environment in IPDC for all females. The participation, development, and progress of women in the workforce are key indicators of an organization’s overall development. Therefore, creating a healthy and beautiful work environment for women should be our responsibility and prior objective. Additionally, when a woman is a mother, her responsibilities increase. I believe they deserve special benefits from the workplace. So, we have designated a day every month for mothers with children aged up to 5 years old, where they can work from home and also spend time with their children. I hope this initiative will be auspicious for working mothers.”

This special facility of ‘work from home’ every month, in addition to maternity leave, will ensure to creation of a beautiful work environment, expressing hope and optimism.

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