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Freelancers’ struggles addressed in freelance meetup held in Mymensingh

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  • Update Time : বুধবার, মে ২৯, ২০২৪,

upay discusses solutions to enhance convenience

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Country’s popular mobile financial service provider upay has recently organized a freelancer meetup in Mymensingh, where discussion was held on the various challenges that freelancers face regularly, and the possible ways to overcome them. The session underscored the need for addressing the various issues, and how upay and United Commercial Bank PLC (UCB) are actively working to enhance convenience for these freelancers.

The meetup was organized at BRAC Learning Centre, Mymensingh. 75+ freelancers from the region participated in the event to discuss the problems they face and work out solutions.

Themed as ‘Freelancers’ Contribution to Building Smart Bangladesh and MFS as Growth Facilitator’, the event focused on different pertinent issues related to freelancing, like payment issues through banking channels and lack of recognition. Speeches by three freelancers discussed these problems and emphasized the need for solutions. They also highlighted its importance in materializing Smart Bangladesh vision and mentioned the role of banks and MFS providers in facilitating the freelancers.

Other discussion topics included the overall situation of the freelancing industry, its prospect, development areas and how UCB and upay are stepping up its efforts to help the freelancers through various services. This is the fourth time upay has organized such an event, with similar sessions previously held in UCB Head Office, Kushtia and Cumilla.

It is mentionable that UCB has Swadhin account, designed as a complete banking solution for freelancers, which is a much easier option to receive earnings seamlessly. Moreover, upay has brought in UCB–upay co-branded prepaid card. Freelancers can utilize the fund for foreign currency transactions, make merchant payments (online and offline) and complete global ATM cash withdrawal with the help of this card. They can also receive payments from Payoneer and avail cashout service at the lowest charge using upay account. These tailored features have the potential to make the life of the freelancers more easeful.

The event came to an end with the distribution of crests and gifts among the guests and participating freelancers.

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