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First Security Islami Bank’s Board Meeting held

Reporter Name
  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, জানুয়ারি ১৪, ২০২৫,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka :
The 284 th meeting of Board of Directors of First Security Islami Bank PLC was held on 13 January 2025, Monday at FSIB Head Office, Dhaka with Mohammad Abdul
Mannan, Chairman of the Board in the chair. Md. Azizur Rahman, Vice Chairman, Md. Abdul Quddus, Chairman of Executive Committee, Professor Md. Saiful Alam
Ph.D, FCMA, Chairman of Risk Management Committee, Md. Raghib Ahsan FCA, Chairman of Audit Committee, Abu Reza Md. Yeahia, Managing Director (Current
Charge) and Oli Kamal FCS, Company Secretary of the bank were present in the meeting.

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