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DBH opens its branch in Mymensingh

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  • Update Time : সোমবার, মে ১৩, ২০২৪,

Dhaka, 12 May : DBH Finance PLC. (DBH), the specialist housing finance institution of the country, has recently inaugurated its 15th branch in Mymensingh City. The branch is located at the heart of the city on 2nd floor of Parvez Tower, 99/A Sharda Ghosh Road, Mymensingh.

This new branch is opened with an objective to offer home loan and fixed deposit services to the people living in this region. Nasir A. Choudhury, Chairman of DBH, formally inaugurated the branch in presence of the prominent developers of Mymensingh region. He hopes that the new branch in the center of the Mymensingh division will expedite real estate development in this region and contribute to increase home ownership, particularly in the affordable housing segment, which is main focus of DBH.

Independent Director and Chairman of Audit Committee Major General Syeed Ahmed, BP (Retd), Managing Director and CEOof DBH Nasimul Baten, Chief Operating Officer Tanvir Kamaland other highofficials of DBH were also present during the opening ceremony.

DBH Finance PLC, formerly known as Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Limited, obtained AAA credit rating for 18th consecutive years for its strong financial capacity.The company provides financing under both conventional home loans and shariah compliant Islamic housing finance. DBH has plans to expand its operations in other major areas of the country and to focus more on the affordable and green housing segment, the press release mentioned.

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