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A seminar on Democracy and Secularism for Gender Equality organised at BRAC University

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  • Update Time : শনিবার, জুন ১৭, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Peace Café, BRAC University conducted a seminar on gender equality titled “Democracy and Secularism for Gender Equality” in collaboration with Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS) and the Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University (CPJ) recently.

Shahnaz Sumi, Director of Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS) and Kaniz Fatema, Assistant Coordinator of BNPS, Dr. A.S.M Anwarullah Bhuiyan, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar University, Dr. Seuty Sabur, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Social Science, BRAC University and Shahariar Sadat, Director of Legal and Academic Empowerment, Centre for Peace and Justice (CPJ), BRAC University graced with their presence as the key speakers at the event. The seminar was moderated by Shahnaz Sumi. They shed light on how the values of democracy and secularism are crucial to the achievement of gender equality in Bangladesh and beyond.

The seminar commenced with the introductory remarks by Shahnaz Sumi. It was followed by a welcome speech by Tahmina Habiba, President, Peace Café, BRAC University. Kaniz Fatema presented the concept paper of the seminar.

Dr. A.S.M. Anwarullah Bhuiyan pointed out that the translation of the word “secularism” into Bangla is in fact inaccurate, and among other things, explained how this has led to people misunderstanding and misusing the term.

Dr. Seuty Sabur spoke about how the state is supposed to serve the citizens as a provider and not to exercise authority over them as a parent. She also mentioned how the basic premise of democracy is creating space for each other and how gender is not a “women-only issue”.

Shahariar Sadat moderated an interactive question and answer session with the participants where they had to answer questions like why we live in a state, what democracy means to us, and if they agree or not as to whether democracy is the only precondition for establishing equal citizenship.

He then moved on to discuss how finding the answers to these questions was important to understanding the connection between democracy, secularism, and gender equality.

The remarks were followed by an entertaining question-and-answer session with those in attendance. Tahsina Rahman, Joint Director of Student Life at BRAC University, gave the closing speech.

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