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Winners of Banglalink ennovators 6.0 announced at Grand Finale

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, ডিসেম্বর ৬, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter. Dhaka: The sixth edition of Banglalink ennovators, a digital ideation competition
for innovative young minds, with the crowning ceremony for the top three teams. The
announcement was made at the Grand Finale of the program held Monday night. Mustafa Jabbar,
Honourable Minister of the Posts and Telecommunications Division, graced the event as the Chief
Guest. Erik Aas, Chief Executive Officer, Banglalink, Monzula Morshed, Chief Human Resources and
Administration Officer, Banglalink and other high officials of the organization were also present at
the event.
Over the course of 12 weeks, ennovators gave the nation’s most creative and bright minds the
chance to develop their talents and skills through boot camps, grooming, workshops and other
structured learning environments. Five teams consisting of four members each presented their ideas
at the grand finale, and the jury board picked the top three from them.
The champion team ‘We Showed Up’ received an opportunity to take a fully sponsored trip to
Amsterdam, Netherlands for a visit to VEON Headquarters, while the first and the second runner-up
teams – ‘The Contrivers’ and ‘Team Superlatives’ – received attractive prizes. Additionally, the top 3
teams were given the opportunity to participate in the Assessment Center round of Banglalink’s
flagship Strategic Assistant Program.
All the participants from the top five teams will be fast-tracked to Banglalink’s Advanced Internship
Program as well. They can also take part in Banglalink’s various initiatives and programs designed to
provide youngsters with exposure to start-up and corporate experiences.
Mustafa Jabbar, Honorable Minister of the Posts and Telecommunications Division, said, “Banglalink’s empowerment initiatives continue to inspire our youngsters to embrace innovation in
their lives. With the knowledge and experiences acquired from such a program, they can prepare
themselves for taking the responsibility of building Smart Bangladesh. I am really pleased to witness
the great impacts of this initiative and wish it more success in the future.”
Monzula Morshed, Chief Human Resources & Administration Officer, Banglalink, said, ennovators,
the biggest digital ideation competition in the country standing at its sixth season, has received a
resounding response and participation with a record-breaking number of registrations this year. For
this, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the participants of ennovators 6.0. Without
their enthusiastic participation, the competition would not have reached new heights. We
congratulate the top three teams on winning the competition this year. They are fulfilling our dream
of building a platform that recognizes innovative youngsters and fosters their growth.
More than 100,000 youngsters and innovative minds participated in the competition till now.

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