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WaterAid’s fellowship programme launched for young journalists

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  • Update Time : বুধবার, নভেম্বর ৯, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter Dhaka : Encouraging young journalists and media professionals to delve deep into matters surrounding city wide inclusive sanitation (CWIS), climate change and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), WaterAid has recently announced the third edition of its signature media fellowship.

The “Young Media Fellowship 2022-23” aims to exchange ideas, raise awareness and bring young minds to closer to critical issues water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges and solutions at local and national level.

The Young Media Fellowship 2022-23 comes with a grant of BDT 60,000. A total of 10 fellows between the age of 18 to 35 shall be able join through applications. All participants will also be rewarded with a certificate of participation at the end of the fellowship. Renowned journalist Shyamal Dutta, Editor, Bhorer Kagoj; Hasin Jahan, Country Director, WaterAid; and Udisa Islam, Special Correspondent, Bangla Tribune have agreed to be mentors to the competent fellows.

Interested candidates can visit this link https://forms.gle/JdsW7Lo2GvhPLecG7 and apply for their spot at the programme. Applicaions ending on November 12, 2022. For more information, please visit: https://www.wateraid.org/bd/young-media-fellowship-on-wash-2022-2023

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