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Southeast Bank holds Annual Risk Conference-2022

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর ২২, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Recently Southeast Bank Limited organized the “Annual Risk Conference 2022”. M. Kamal Hossain, Managing Director of Southeast Bank inaugurated the conference virtually.

Nuruddin Md. Sadeque Hussain, Deputy Managing Director & Chief Risk Officer, Md. Masum Uddin Khan, Senior Executive Vice President, Md. Jahangir Kabir, Senior Vice President, and Md. Feroj Hoshen, Senior Vice President delivered their speech on compliances of different risks and regulatory issues.

All Divisional Heads / In-charges of Head Office of the Bank participated in the conference. Heads and Manager Operations of all Branches, all In-charges of Offshore Banking Units, and all In-charges of Uposhakhas were also joined the conference through digital platform.

Proper Risk Management for sustainable Banking operations was the main issue of the conference. The speakers discussed all possible risks of the Bank and advised all concerned officials to work cautiously to mitigate those risks.

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