৩রা ফাল্গুন, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ| ১৬ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ| ১৭ই শাবান, ১৪৪৬ হিজরি| রাত ২:৩৮| বসন্তকাল|

Southeast Bank gets 2 (Two) New DMDs

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৭, ২০২৩,

Staff, Reporter, Dhaka : The Board of Directors of Southeast Bank Limited promoted Abidur Rahman Chowdhury and Md. Masum Uddin Khan to the rank of Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of the Bank.

Abidur Rahman Chowdhury Promoted as DMD of Southeast Bank : Abidur Rahman Chowdhury has been promoted as Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of Southeast Bank Limited. Prior to this position, he has been serving as Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) and Head of Branch at Principal Branch of Southeast Bank Ltd. He is a certified expert in risk management from Frankfurt School Finance and Management, with him more than 26 years of Banking in different positions including Manager of Corporate Branch in the same Bank. He started his career with Southeast Bank 1996 as Probationary Officer. Rahman obtained his Honours and Masters in Finance and Banking from University of Dhaka. He completed his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in Management from DU. He attended seminars on Finance and Banking at home and abroad.

Md. Masum Uddin Khan Promoted as DMD of Southeast Bank : Md. Masum Uddin Khan has been promoted as Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of Southeast Bank Limited. Prior to this position, he served as Head of Credit Risk Management Division and Senior Executive Vice President at Southeast Bank Limited. He started his career at Agrani Bank Limited in 1996, and later served BASIC Bank Limited. Before joining Southeast Bank Limited in 2019, he also worked in The City Bank Limited. He has 26 years versatile experiences in Credit Risk Management, Foreign Trade, Micro Credit, Branch Banking, Special Asset Management etc. He obtained his graduation in Finance and Banking and post-graduation in Finance from the University of Dhaka. He also completed MBA (major in Marketing) from the same university. He is a diplomaed associate of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh. He attended various workshops, seminars and received different training on banking at home and abroad.

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