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Road maintenance disrupts Grameenphone fibre-optic connectivity, operator quickly restores connectivity for customers

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৪, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Due to sudden fiber-optic cable cut during road maintenance in Dhaka, Tangail, Sirajganj and Gazipur areas, some Grameenphone users faced connectivity disruptions while making calls and using the internet today, on February 23. However, the network was restored within a brief span of time. To ensure that customers do not face issues for a prolonged period of time, Grameenphone network team responded immediately and were able to restore the network in a seamless manner.

Abul Kasem Mohiuddin Al-Amin, Head of Network Services, Grameenphone, said, “Today’s incident was unwanted, caused by forces which was beyond our control. Our dedicated team acted fast to restore the multiple fibre cuts and also managed to stabilize the sudden surge in call attempts gradually.”

Sajjad Hasib, Chief Marketing Officer, said, “First and foremost, we sincerely apologize for the temporary difficulty faced due to the network disruption caused by the multiple fibre cuts today. Grameenphone is the most loved telecom brand in the country, and more than half the nation trusts us for their connectivity and digital needs. Today, our resilient team has defied all odds and made such a complex task possible within the shortest possible span of time. Ensuring customer experience is of our utmost priority and we are grateful to our patrons for their continued faith on us.”

“Due to disruption in fibre cut during road maintenance in Gazipur, Tangail and Sirajganj areas, some of our customers were facing connectivity problems. However, the situation has been brought under control and all the issues are currently resolved,” said Khairul Basher, Head of Communications, Grameenphone.

It is mentionable that during similar instances caused by man-made and environmental crisis, Grameenphone responded with due diligence with optimum recovery support showcasing its readiness to ensure seamless connectivity for a customer base of 79.1 million.

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