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Rajshahi Metropolitan Police and bKash organize workshop on prevention of MFS abuse

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ১০, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : To prevent abuse of Mobile Financial Services (MFS), bKash in collaboration with Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP), recently organized a daylong coordination workshop to raise awareness. The workshop titled, “Investigating and Preventing Abuse of Mobile Financial Services” was arranged at Rajshahi Police Lines in Rajshahi for investigation officers of RMP.

RMP Deputy Police Commissioner (Logistics) Madhusudhan Roy, bKash’s Advisor and Additional Inspector General of Police (IGP) (Retd.) Dr. Md. Nazibur Rahman, and bKash’s EVP & Head of External Affairs A. K. M. Monirul Karim were present at the workshop. Over 150 Investigation Officers of RMP participated in the awareness program. This workshop discussed in detail on how to utilize the information related to illegal activities to apprehend criminals and bring them to justice.

To keep its platform safe, bKash conducts all its activities strictly as prescribed by relevant laws. Besides, bKash automatically monitors all activities of agents through AML360 app and takes appropriate action in case of any irregularities. The company conducts awareness activities throughout the year to make its stakeholders aware of such issues. In continuation to that effort, this workshop was organized in Rajshahi.

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