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OpenSignal honors top mobile network operators worldwide

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০২৩,

Grameenphone tops 2023 Global Rising Stars list from Bangladesh, along with other global operators
Staff Reporter, Dhaka : OpenSignal, an independent global standard for global mobile networks, known for its independently run analysis and insight-led measurement of real user network experience, has recently revealed its latest Global Network Experience Report (GMNE), where Grameenphone, has been named the top operator under the category of Voice App Experience in Bangladesh.

Grameenphone has been recognized as a Global Rising Stars, as it witnessed the most improvement year on year, with the highest improvement of 12.7% in voice experience. Banglalink leads the Download speed experience category with 78.5%, followed by Grameenphone as the second highest with 72.1% from Bangladesh.

Under the upload speed experience, all 3 of 4 operators from Bangladesh are named, with Grameenphone taking the lead with 72.3%, followed by Robi (60.3%) and Banglalink (59.5%). Banglalink, with 7.5%, has been tipped with the most percentage improvement time in the 4G/5G category.

The mobile industry in Bangladesh has been going through a transformational phase, with Grameenphone being the only operator to run the trial of 5G services in Bangladesh after Teletalk. Grameenphone, with 79.1 million subscribers, has also established over 19,000 towers with 4G connectivity and covered 99% of the country with its network. Robi has been following Grameenphone closely, with over 54.4 million subscribers, over 16000 4G sites, and 98.3% population coverage, followed by Banglalink with 39 million subscribers.

As a part of the Global Awards report, OpenSignal compares operators from around the world, recognizing those on which the users had the best experience and highlighting operators under the title of Global Rising Stars in which the users had the greatest improvement in mobile network experience. OpenSignal will continue to share its deep analysis of the mobile network experience to help operators, regulators, and users navigate these trends.


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