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NCC Bank launched exclusive “Medical Second Opinion Services” for its Credit Cardholders

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  • Update Time : শনিবার, ডিসেম্বর ৩, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : NCC Bank Ltd. Credit Cardholders and their family members will be able to avail “Medical Second Opinion Services” from the World Leading Medical Centers (WLMC) through MediGuide International. In this regard, NCC Bank recently signed a tri partite agreement with MediGuide International and its authorized representative of Bangladesh Euclid Management Consultants. Under this agreement, NCC Bank Credit Cardholders and their family members will get recommendation through a detailed review & assessment of their present medical records by the best ranked Physician at the price of Tk. 1,200 to Tk. 2,500 only.

In presence (virtual) of Paul M Vermeulen, Group CEO of MediGuide International, LLC, USA, Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, Managing Director & CEO of NCC Bank and Tirtham Deb, Managing Partner of Euclid Management Consultants signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Khondoker Nayeemul Kabir, Additional managing Director, Mohd. Rafat Ullah Khan, Md. Mahbub Alam & M. Asheq Rahman, Deputy Managing Directors’, Mohammed Anisur Rahman, SEVP & CIO, Syed Tofail Ali, SEVP & Head of Operations, Mohammad Ridwanul Hoque, EVP & Head of Marketing & Branches Division, Syed Hasnain Mamun, Head of Human Resources, Zobair Mahmood Fahim, Head of Cards along with other Senior Officials of both organizations were also present at the ceremony.

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