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Nabil Partners Meet-2022 held

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  • Update Time : সোমবার, নভেম্বর ২৮, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter Dhaka : Nabil Group Partners Meet-2022 was held with 350 dealers from all over the country. Agronomist Islam, Managing Director and CEO of Nabil Group, welcomed the renowned businessmen of different districts of Bangladesh at the Partners Meet organized at Grand Rearview Hotel, Rajshahi on 26 November 2022. He expressed his firm belief that Nabil Group will play a special role in protecting the country’s food security through food and commodity business in the coming days.

On the occasion, Group Chief Operating Officer Mr. Anup Kumar Saha informed the dealers about various activities and future plans of Nabil Group. He sought the cooperation of the dealers to make the activities of the Nabil Group more successful and effective.

The function was presided over by Mr. Mohammad Jahan Bux Mandal, Honorable Chairman of Nabil Group. Israt Jahan madam, Honorable Chairman of Nabil Feed Mill gave the welcome speech. Senior officers of Nabil Group, officers of production, supply and quality control department, employees and members of the marketing department were also present on the occasion.

Nabil Group is currently one of the fastest-growing companies in the food-commodity industry in Bangladesh. Nabil Group is playing a special role in the country’s economy with a total of 22 companies including Flower Mill, Rice Mill, Dal Mill, Feed Mill, Cold Storage, Layer Farm, Cattle Farming, Trading, Jute Mill, Seed and Tissue Culture.

In the event, 20 dealers were given special awards based on their performance in the previous years. The event concluded with dealers visiting various factories of Nabil Industrial Park located in Paba Upazila of Rajshahi.

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