২৭শে মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ| ১০ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ| ১১ই শাবান, ১৪৪৬ হিজরি| বিকাল ৫:১৫| শীতকাল|


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  • Update Time : শনিবার, এপ্রিল ১, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Mountain Dew® has always maintained that the difference between ‘ordinary’ & ‘extraordinary’ is the decision to move beyond fears & self-doubt. Continuing its efforts to inspire the youth of Bangladesh to overcome their fears through gripping and thought-provoking cinematic TVCs, Mountain Dew® today unveiled its new film featuring brand ambassador, Hrithik Roshan. With larger-than-life, high-octane stunts and an inspiring storyline, the new campaign will extend the brand’s ongoing ‘Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai’ positioning across its consumers in Bangladesh.

The high-octane film begins with the megastar Hrithik Roshan gearing up to perform a never-done-before freefall stunt in a cargo plane from a supremely high-altitude while being televised across live television. As his crew points at the risk quotient of the stunt, we see a seemingly worried Hrithik as he evaluates the choice in front of him. A resolute look crosses his face as he takes a sip of Mountain Dew® and takes the challenge head-on and emerges victorious.

The film is a reiteration of Mountain Dew®’s belief that in the face of any challenge there are two choices; either succumb to fear & turn back or overcome the fear & move ahead – it is this choice that set’s the real heroes apart from the rest.

Commenting on the film, Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan, said, “I’m always thrilled to associate with Mountain Dew. I resonate with the brand’s philosophy of conquering one’s fear and rising above with courage in the face of challenge and it’s my pleasure to partner with Mountain Dew over the years via innovative campaigns that reiterate this core belief. I’m excited for our latest campaign to be showcased to the consumers.”

Speaking on the campaign, Anuj Goyal, Associate Director, Bangladesh Region, PepsiCo said, “With our ‘Darr k Aage Jeet Hai’ philosophy, Mountain Dew in Bangladesh has always saluted the spirit of risk takers and people who push boundaries to achieve their goals beyond fear & self-doubt. This year, the brand celebrates and acknowledges real heroes who face challenges head-on and emerge as winners. We are confident that consumers across Bangladesh will connect with this new film and that the belief of ‘Darr k Aage Jeet Hai’ will resonate strongly with them as Hrithik Roshan personifies a true hero in this campaign.”

Adding on, the Head of Marketing of Transcom Beverage Sharfuddin Bhuiyan said, “We are starting the season with full vigour and excitement with this new campaign for Mountain Dew. As one of the favourite drinks in the market, the brand stands for the ‘Darr kea age jeet hai’ dictum and connects immensely with the way today’s youth thinks. We are confident that the consumers will love this film like always.”

The new Mountain Dew® TVC will be amplified via robust 360-degree campaign spanning TV, digital, outdoor, and social media. Mountain Dew® is available in single serve and multi serve packs across all modern and traditional retail outlets as well as on leading e-commerce platforms.

To learn more, visit: https://instagram.com/mountaindewbd

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