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MetLife Bangladesh offers 50,000 taka free additional insurance coverage

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  • Update Time : রবিবার, জুন ১১, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : MetLife Bangladesh is providing additional life insurance coverage of upto 50,000 taka completely free of charge for customers travelling within Bangladesh during Eid-ul Adha. Such an initiative has been undertaken for the first time in the country.

Any MetLife customer with active insurance policy will be eligible to receive the additional insurance coverage against loss of life, accidents, and disability. Customers don’t have to pay any extra premiums to avail the coverage. As a result, MetLife customers with active insurance policy will receive financial coverage of upto 50,000 taka in addition to the applicable insurance coverage from their existing policies. Coverage period will be from June 23 to July 3.

“Eid sets a festive mood for everyone in the country. However, with such a large number of people travelling to different places to spend Eid with their loved ones, many fall victim to accidents and other tragedies. MetLife strives to stand with the people of Bangladesh if any misfortune befalls them during this joyous occasion. The initiative looks to ease the journeys for our policy holders and keep them confident. Besides, pilgrims for Hajj will also benefit from the additional insurance coverage”, said Ala Ahmad, Chief Executive Officer of MetLife Bangladesh.

Customers with active Takaful insurance policies who are travelling to perform the upcoming hajj will also be eligible for the additional insurance coverage of upto bdt 50,000 for the same incidents. The coverage period for customer travelling from Bangladesh will be 43 days which will start from the date of departure.

To avail the additional insurance coverage, policyholders will have to register through MetLife’s 360Health app which is available on google playstore or contact MetLife’s call center at 16344. Details and terms & conditions are available on 360Health app and website.

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