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Islami Bank inauguratesGangni Branch in Meherpur

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, ডিসেম্বর ৫, ২০২৪,

Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC inaugurated 399thGangni Branch in Meherpur on 5 December 2024, Thursday. Mohammed MonirulMoula, managing director of the bank, inaugurated the branchas the chief guest.Md. Altaf Hossain, additional managing director& Md. Maksudur Rahman, deputy managing director,were present as special guests. Md. Mahbub-a-Alam, senior executive vice president& head of Jashore Zone presided over the event whileMd. Maznuzzaman, executive vice presidentaddressed the welcome speech.Nurulkabir, senior assistant vice presidentof Shari’ahSecretariat, presented a keynote on welfare-oriented banking.Md. Masud Karim, head of Gangni Branch thanked the audience.PritamShaha, UNO of the GangniUpazilla were present as the guest of honor. Mawlana Taj Uddin Khan, senior teacher of Manik Nagar FazilMadrasha, Md. Insarulhaque, former acting mayor of Gangni Municipality, Md. Rabiul Islam&Md. Monirul Islam,social elite and prominentbusinessmen,NasrinSultana,student of Kushtia Govt. College,addressed greetings on behalf of the clients &invited guests. Officials from head office and different branches, local eminent personnel, businessmen, well-wishers and dignitaries also attended the event.


In the speech of the chief guest, Mohammed MonirulMoula, affirmed that Islami Bank is the bank of aspiration and expectation of the people of the country. Islami Bank is now at the highest at the top of the popularity due to is operations undershari’ah principles.  This bank has earned the reputation as the best bank in the country in various parameters including increase in deposits, investment deployment, import-export and remittance flow.

He also remarked that demand and purview of Islami Bank’s services in rural areas are increasing side by side of medium and large scale industrial investment. Islami Bank has made self-reliantabout 18 lakh marginalized people in 34 thousand villagesthrough successful micro-investmentby its Rural Development Scheme (RDS)since its journey in 1985.


He expressed his determination to introduce effective investment services by mentioning the needs and importance of agro-based businesses in Gangni area. He directed the official concerned to render services with utmost sincerity in Gangni Branch like other branches of the country.


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