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Islami Bank holds Executive Development Program (EDP)

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  • Update Time : রবিবার, আগস্ট ১৩, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Islami Bank Training and Research Academy (IBTRA) organized an Executive Development Program on “Four Decades of Islamic Banking in Bangladesh and the Way Forward” through virtual platform on 12 August 2023, Saturday. Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing Director & CEO of the Bank addressed the program as chief guest. Khaled Mahmud Raihan, FCCA, Senior Vice President of the Bank was presented as keynote speaker. Mohammad Qaisar Ali, JQM Habibullah, FCS and Md. Altaf Hossain, Additional Managing Directors of the Bank also addressed the program. Presided over by Md. Nazrul Islam, Principal of IBTRA, K.M. Munirul Alam Al-Mamoon, Senior Executive Vice President of the Bank addressed the welcome speech. Executivs of the Bank along with Top executives of Head Office, Zonal Heads and Branch incumbents attended the program.

Mohammed Monirul Moula in his speech of chief guest said that Islami Bank is the largest and strongest bank in the country. The bank has formulated investment schemes keeping in view the needs and demands of the people. It plays a pivotal role in achieving the goals of the government by giving importance to the production oriented sectors including industry, services, agriculture and other projects. He instructed the branch incumbents to strengthen the productive investment activities of the rural population through 29 schemes including agricultural investment, rural development and urban poverty development scheme of the bank.

He said that Islami Bank has become the leading bank in the country in the last four decades since its establishment. Almost one-third of the country’s banking sector is now under Islamic banking. Along with 10 full-fledged Islamic banks, conventional banks are also joining Shari’ah-based banking activities. Islamic banking activities are being carried out through specialized branches and Window. He called upon all to work with utmost professionalism, dedicated to providing customer service, timely planning and implementation.

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