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IBTRA holds Training program

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, নভেম্বর ১৮, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter Dhaka : Islami Bank Training and Research Academy (IBTRA) organized closing ceremony of Training program on ÒManagerial Functions and LeadershipÓ on 17 November 2022, Thursday at IBTRA Auditorium. Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing Director & CEO of the Bank addressed the program as chief guest. Presided over by S M Rabiul Hassan, Principal of IBTRA, K.M. Munirul Alam Al-Mamoon, Senior Executive Vice President of the Bank addressed the welcome speech and A.K.M. Shahidul Haque Khandaker, Executive Vice President thanked the audience. 40 selected officials of the bank were completed the training program.


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