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IBBL Cumilla Zone holds agent banking conference

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, মার্চ ২, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Cumilla Zone of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited organized Agent Banking Business Development Conference and Workshop on Prevention of Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at BARD (Moynamoti Auditorium) in Cumilla. Mohammed Monirul Moula, Managing Director & CEO of the Bank addressed the conference as chief guest. Md. Omar Faruk Khan, Additional Managing Director and Md. Siddiqur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director, addressed the conference as special guest. Presided over by Md. Maksudur Rahman, Senior Executive Vice President, A.K.M Mahbub Morshed and Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Executive Vice Presidents of the Bank also addressed the program. Md. Monirul Islam, Head of Cumilla zone addressed welcome speech. Head of branches and proprietors of the agent banking outlets under the zone attended the conference.

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