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Human Chain for demanding ban of fake bidi in Pabna

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  • Update Time : বুধবার, অক্টোবর ১২, ২০২২,

staff reporter, Dhaka : Pabna District Bidi Owners and Workers Union formed a human chain and encirclement programme in front of the district’s Customs, Excise, and VAT office to express their five-point demand, including the prohibition of counterfeit bidi on Wednesday.

The demands include banning fake bidi and brand rolls, taking action against illegal bidi factories that evade duty, rescinding the 10% advance tax on bidi, collecting taxes from the owners with online licence, and not forcing workers to work for more than six days a week.

Speakers at the human chain stated that the significance of the bidi industry to the nation’s economy is enormous. However, some unscrupulous bidi businessmen have dodged billions of dollars by selling counterfeit bidi, which is ruining the bidi business.

They also urged the customs authorities to take necessary steps to halt unlawful bidi manufacturers and counterfeit bidi. They should be arrested and punished.

Bangladesh Bidi Workers Federation President MK Bangali, General Secretary Abdur Rahman, and Joint Secretary Harik Hossain, Shamim Islam were present in the programme among others.

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