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Huawei to Showcase Its Latest Technologies at Digital Bangladesh Mela 2023

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, জানুয়ারি ২৪, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Digital Bangladesh Mela 2023 is going to be inaugurated on January 26, 2023 at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC) located at Agargaon in the capital. This three-day fair will introduce latest innovations and future technological trends with industry partners and visitors. As the titanium sponsor of this event, Huawei is designing the best pavilion with attractive solutions, quiz and prizes.

The Huawei pavilion will be equipped with multiple breakthrough innovations in different frontiers like 5.5G, Enterprise Business Solutions, Huawei cloud, and digital power. Demo sites of Smart port and digital power solutions will also be available for the audience, along with video illustrations and success stories on the latest innovations on the topics mentioned earlier. Apart from these, the visitors can join the quiz in every two hour and win attractive prizes. Huawei Bangladesh facebook page has also announced a separate quiz campaign for its fans.

Majian, Chief Technical Officer of Huawei Bangladesh says, “Huawei has been working in this industry as an enabler of ICT ecosystem. We are always there with our world-class innovative solutions to bring digital to every person, home and organization and build a fully connected, intelligent Bangladesh. On the other hand, carbon neutrality has also been an important matter for us and Bangladesh government. With that agenda, our pavilion; themed as Stride to 5.5G, will bring diverse cutting-edge technologies to the mela that include 5.5G, Robotics, Smart port, Smart Education, Huawei Solar PV solution, Cloud service and many more. I welcome all the visitors to our pavilion.”

Bangladesh is moving forward in great strides and on its way to becoming a Smart Bangladesh by 2041. To expedite this journey, the country needs to maximize the power of digitalization and technological innovations, including 5G, digital energy, cloud, smart education, and smart healthcare. Digital Bangladesh Mela 2023 will help all the stakeholders get insights into all these aspects.

Huawei has a massive portfolio of over 100,000 patents globally. It is one of the top patent holders in 5G technology, which is next-generation ultra-fast mobile internet seen as key to underpinning future industries such as artificial intelligence and autonomous cars. This fair is a good opportunity for the industry to learn and apply those solutions for their growth and development. Last time Huawei provided the 5G experience to the visitors.

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