Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Huawei Bangladesh has organized a session for all its suppliers from Nepal and Bangladesh today, Dec 12, 2022; at Huawei Bangladesh Academy. A total of 90 suppliers attended this session titled, Partner’s Convention 2022. Twenty-three suppliers among them have been recognized for their tremendous support in 2022.
The ‘Partner’s Convention 2022’ of Huawei is focused on the key idea of sharing company vision and forecasting the challenges ahead. It is a great platform to share procurement rules and quality objectives with the suppliers. Pan Junfeng, CEO; Shenzhaohui, Chief Financial Officer; Wuzhiqian, Vice-President of Delivery and Services; Weibin, Director, Bangladesh Procurement Qualification Dept of Huawei Bangladesh presented different outcomes of 2022 and guidelines for next year to the suppliers at the event.
Wuzhiqian shared, “Huawei has been able to meet the requirements of digital transformation of Bangladesh. It has been possible mainly due to the progress achieved over the past few years with the contributions of our reliable partners. We hope our partners will continue to provide strong support in the coming years for achieving greater success.”
Shenzhaohui shared, “Huawei has been providing services and products in Bangladesh and Nepal for more than 23 years. In this tenure, Huawei paid more than 200 million USD in local taxes, made 1000 million USD local procurement and created more than 20,000 jobs opportunities in these two countries.”
Pan Junfeng guided the suppliers to work with efficiency, comply with Huawei policies, and deliver with high quality and proven ability further as they always do. He mentioned these can be the keys to achieving greater success.
Huawei organizes these kinds of events to celebrate contributions from both local and international partners who are essential part of the growth journey of Huawei. And this kind of engagement helps all the role players to think and work together towards a same development goal.