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Grameenphone empowering women in 2000 unions through digital inclusion

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, মার্চ ১০, ২০২৩,

staff reporter, Dhaka : Denoting the spirit of International Women’s Day (IWD), Grameenphone has made a pledge to launch a long-term initiative called “Internet Er Duniya Shobar” – in alignment with the theme of #digitALL – innovation and technology for gender equality. The initiative will focus on accelerating digital inclusion for women through educating them across the nation and enable them to explore the endless possibilities of the internet and the digital sphere.

As a part of this two year-long initiative, a series of exclusively designed courtyard conversations will be held across the country. The objective of the initiative is to create awareness among women who have limited or no access to technology and empower them through better digital literacy. Women from rural and semi-rural regions in 2000 unions shall be invited to attend courtyard conversations where they will be made aware of how Internet can help them uplift their life and unleash possibilities. The sessions will focus on breaking taboos and stereotypes surrounding women using technology by presenting real life examples and connecting them with inspiring women to demonstrate the prospects and necessities of women’s digital inclusion.

Grameenphone employees and inspiring women from respective localities, shall share their views and opinions as torchbearers of gender equality, educate and create awareness on safe internet usage to guide the participants on how to utilize internet for their personal and professional growth. Both online and offline modules of communication will be utilized with additional focus on online safety. The first round of Courtyard Conversations will start from 9 March and will continue in phases until the ambition is reached.

“There are so many inspiring stories all around us. From Dina Mri who provides freelancing services sitting in Madhupur to Fouara Ferdous who has established her own F-commerce business from her home to Dr Tasnim Jara who fights medical misinformation in the digital space every day. But there are also many women whom we can inspire, by telling these stories and showing the possibilities that they have right at their fingertips,” said Yasir Azman, CEO, Grameenphone. “In order to ensure that Smart Bangladesh becomes a reality, we need our women to equally participate in this journey. With our promise to take digital literacy to 2000 unions, we do not only want to educate the women in the remotest corner of the country about using Internet but also want to give our inspiring women a platform where they can share their stories to inspire and empower the left-behind ones.”

According to a GSMA report, the gender gap in mobile internet use in Bangladesh widened for the first time in 2021 to 48 percent. “Internet Er Duniya Shobar” reflects on Grameenphone’s commitment as a leading technology company, towards bridging the digital divide and aims to advocate and expedite digital inclusion for women across the country.

As Grameenphone believes in building an equitable society and inclusion for all, a discussion session was held at Moydaan, GPHouse in the capital on March 7, 2023 focusing on digital inclusion for everyone regardless of gender. Grameenphone CEO, Yasir Azman, along with other Grameenphone high officials, made a pledge for this cause and announced the launch of the “Internet er Duniya Shobar” initiative.

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