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“Fund Management and Liquidity Management of Islamic Banks” Workshop held

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, মার্চ ৫, ২০২৪,

IBCF’s Research & Training Academy arranged a daylong workshop on “Fund Management and Liquidity Management of Islamic Banks” on 2 March, 2024, Saturday at BAB Office. A K M Nurul Fazal Bulbul, Vice Chairman, IBCF was presided over the Certificate Awarding Ceremony.

Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Director General of Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) distributed certificates among the participants as Chief Guest while Abdus Samad, Chairman, Al Arafah Islami Bank PLC & Vice Chairman, IBCF was present as Special Guest.

In his speech the Chief Guest mentioned that the Islami Banks & Financial Institutions are gaining momentum globally along with public confidence but there are some challenges before it. Competent manpower can mitigate these challenges complying with the Shariah guidelines. This type of Training & Workshop will be helpful to increase the Skill & Efficiency of the Officers working in this Sector. He welcomed such initiative of IBCF.

He also expressed his hope that the participants of this daylong Workshop will be able to apply their Knowledge & make the Islamic Banking Industry more viable & effective.

Md. Abdur Rahman Sarker, Chairman, Audit Committee of Jamuna Bank PLC., Md. Fariduddin Ahmed, Former Managing Director & CEO, Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC, EXIM Bank Ltd. and Sponsor CEO, Jaiz Bank Ltd. Nigeria, Md. Nurul Islam Khalifa, Former Deputy Managing Director, Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC, Md. Mahabbat Hossain PhD, President, Bangladeshi AAOIFI Fellow Forum (BAFF), Farid Uddin FCA, SVP & CFO, Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC and Jahangir Alam, Assistant Secretary of IBCF were present at the Certificate Awarding ceremony .

27(twenty-seven) mid-level executives of 13 (thirteen) Islamic Banks and Banks having Islamic Banking Branch & windows took part in the Workshop.

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