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Fourth Huawei ICT Academy in JUST

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, অক্টোবর ১৩, ২০২২,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : The localized leading global ICT solutions provider, Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Limited, has signed an MoU with Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST) to establish an ICT Academy there.

The aim of this ICT academy is to facilitate the country’s ICT ecosystem and create opportunities for the students by developing their industry-oriented knowledge and ICT skills.

The MoU was signed through an event held at the JUST campus on 12th October 2022. Deans of different faculties, Chairmans of the departments, and Heads of several offices of Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST), along with High officials from Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Limited, were present in the event.

This ICT Academy is designed to equip students with advanced ICT knowledge and necessary skills for the future. In April 2022, Huawei inaugurated the ICT academy in BUET. In August 2022, Huawei signed an MoU to establish an ICT academy in KUET, while in September 2022, an MoU was signed to establish an ICT academy in RUET.

Huawei will provide its enriched online learning platform with diversified courses to the students of JUST, while teachers for JUST will get the opportunity to become Huawei-certified trainers at this academy. The trained JUST teachers will provide training to the students afterward.

Regarding the arrangement, Professor Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain, Vice Chancellor, Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST), said, “The ICT industry is driving our country towards development, and our young generation is the key to keeping that growth curve moving upwards. With the help of the ICT academy in partnership with Huawei, we want to equip our students with all the necessary ICT skills and prepare them for the future. I commend Huawei for coming up with this program and upskilling our youth to contribute to the country’s ICT development.”

Karl Yu Ying, Country Director of Public Affairs and Communications Department of Huawei Bangladesh, said, “Huawei ICT academy is moving forward with a goal to develop today’s youth in the field of ICT, where they can learn from distinguished academicians and industry experts. Huawei ICT academy has witnessed impressive outcomes from BUET, KUET, and RUET. Right now, we expect the same from JUST and are delighted to launch the academy with more eco-partners.”

Dr. Engr. Imran Khan, Director of ICT Cell, JUST appreciated the effort that has been initiated by Huawei to establish ICT Academy in JUST. He also mentioned that this ICT Academy will underpin in developing skilled graduates in the ICT sector to meet the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and to fulfill the country’s vision-2041.

It is mentionable that Huawei initiated ICT Academy, an Industry- academia cooperation project, back in 2013. At the moment, there are 1,500 such ICT academies run by Huawei in more than 90 countries around the world, including the UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines. In total, 927 colleges and universities are involved in this initiative, benefitting thousands of learners from around the globe.

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