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Donate through bKash to help the underprivileged

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  • Update Time : মঙ্গলবার, এপ্রিল ১১, ২০২৩,

Donations can be made to 26 organizations easily through bKash

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Eid brings the opportunity for the well-off to stand by the underprivileged through donations including Zakat and Fitra. Over the past few years, the process of sending financial aid to various charity organizations and individuals has become easier through bKash. This time also, bKash users can send donations to any of the 26 organizations from the comfort of their homes. Besides, this donation platform lets bKash customers stay connected with various philanthropic activities throughout the year.

Currently, bKash users can donate to: Bidyanondo Foundation, Mastul Foundation, Bangladesh Thalassemia Foundation, Quantum Foundation, Prothom Alo Trust, Obhizatrik Foundation, ActionAid Bangladesh, As-sunnah Foundation, Sajida Foundation, Shakti Foundation, Anjuman Mufidul Islam, BRAC, Center for Zakat Management, Dhaka Ahsania Mission, SOS Children’s Villages Bangladesh, icddr,b, National Liver Foundation of Bangladesh, Esho Sabai, Mojar School, Embassy of the State of Palestine Dhaka, Mirzapur Ex-Cadets’ Association, Food For All- Khukumoni Foundation, JAAGO Foundation, Donate for Books, Human Aid Bangladesh Foundation, Tasauf Foundation and Bangladesh Liberation War Museum.

The donations from customers are collected by these social welfare organizations who are contributing to improve the living standard of the marginalized people of the society.

To donate, customers need to select ‘Donation’ icon from ‘More services’ section in the bKash app. Then the preferred organization needs to be selected. The amount of donation has to be entered in the next step with donor’s name and email ID. If the customers want, they can keep their identity hidden by selecting ‘unwilling to reveal identity’ option. After tapping on ‘submit’ and entering PIN number, the donation process will be completed. In the last screen, customers can see the acknowledgement receipt message.

Customers can get the opportunity to know detailed information about the organization after selecting it. They can also contact the email mentioned at the bottom of the acknowledgement receipt screen if they are interested to know more about the expenditure of the donation. Apart from bKash app, customers can also donate through bKash payment gateway from the website – https://www.bkash.com/en/products-services/donation and earn details of this service.

bKash has become a partner to many charity organizations by providing a platform to collect donations for the disadvantaged people. This initiative has enhanced the capacity of the charity organizations to collect donations easily and enabled the customers to donate more conveniently while sitting at home. In 2020, bKash added ‘Donation’ icon to its app to bridge the gap between recipient and donor through technology and make the donation process more convenient.

The wealthy people can easily take part in providing food, education and medical aid or social service as well as making voluntary donations for the destitute, day laborers and ultra-poor families by donating through bKash with a few taps anytime from any part of the country. bKash has created this opportunity for all to be involved in such great initiative to change the lives of many and change the society as well.

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