২৪শে মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ| ৭ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ| ৮ই শাবান, ১৪৪৬ হিজরি| রাত ২:২৬| শীতকাল|

Dhaka is the Most Forgetful City in Bangladesh  

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  • Update Time : বুধবার, মে ৩, ২০২৩,

 #  The 7th edition of Uber Lost & Found Index is out

#Mobile phones top the list of most forgotten items in Bangladesh, followed by bags, wallets, headphones, and documents 

#Fridays were the most common days to report lost items, especially from 1 PM – 4 pm

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : Uber, the leading ridesharing app today released the seventh edition of its Lost and Found Index for 2023. This index provides a snapshot of what people forget most frequently, the days of the week, hours of the day, and times of the year when Uber riders reported lost items.

People in Bangladesh were most forgetful during the Eid celebrations this year, particularly during lunch and post-lunch hours. And most phones and cameras were left behind over the weekends. Over the last year, we’ve seen objects including phones and bags top the list of most forgotten items in Ubers across Bangladesh, followed by utility items like wallets, headphones and documents. Besides leaving the usuals behind, Bangladeshis also forget unexpected things such as laptops.

Armanur Rahman, Head of Bangladesh & East India, Uber, said, “We understand the feeling of panic on realizing you’ve left something behind in your ride. At Uber, we understand the importance of every rider’s belonging and are committed to providing a seamless experience. Our Lost and Found Index allows us an opportunity to inform and educate our riders about the in-app options available to retrieve lost items. We encourage riders to check their belongings before the ride ends, but in case you lose something, know that we’ve got your back”

The best way to retrieve an item you may have left in a vehicle is to call the driver. Here’s how:

    1. Tap “Your Trips” and select the trip where you left something
    2. Scroll down and tap “Find lost item”
    3. Tap “Contact driver about a lost item”
    4. Scroll down and enter the phone number you would like to be contacted at. Tap submit.
    5. If you lost your personal phone, enter a friend’s phone number instead (you can do this by logging into your account on a computer, or using a friend’s phone).
    6. Your phone will ring and connect you directly with your driver’s mobile number.
    7. If your driver picks up and confirms that your item has been found, coordinate a mutually convenient time and place to meet to collect the lost item.
    8. If your driver doesn’t pick up, leave a detailed voicemail describing your item and the best way to contact you.

This video outlines the simple steps you can take the next time you leave something behind in an Uber.

Below is the snapshot of insights from Uber Lost and Found Index 2023 for Bangladesh:

Top 5 Most Commonly Forgotten Items


  1. Bag
  2. Wallet
  3. Headphone
  4. Documents

Most Forgetful Day of the Week

  • Friday

Top Most Forgetful Days of the Year

  • August 6, 2022
  • December 16, 2022
  • March 6, 2023
  • April 22, 2023
  • April 23, 2023

Lost items that peak on certain days:

  • People are most likely to forget their Phone/camera on Fridays, Saturdays & Wednesdays
  • People are most likely to forget their Headphones on Mondays
  • People are most likely to forget their Wallet/Card-holder on Sundays & Tuesdays
  • People are most likely to forget their Laptop on Thursdays

Top 3 Most Common Hour of the Day to lose items

  1. Uber riders across Bangladesh are most forgetful at 1 pm
  2. Uber riders across Bangladesh are most forgetful at 9 am
  3. Uber riders across Bangladesh are most forgetful at 4 pm

Most forgetful city

  • Dhaka

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