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Customer to win Tk 1 lakh recharging highest to GP numbers from bKash

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, নভেম্বর ২৩, ২০২৩,

Every day, 500 customers receiving cashback up to Tk 25,000 during the campaign

A customer can win Tk 100,000 cashback by recharging the highest amount to any Grameenphone (prepaid, postpaid & Skitto) number in the weeklong bKash Mega Cashback campaign. Besides, every day, 500 highest recharging bKash customers are receiving up to Tk 25,000 cashback during this campaign period till 27th November 2023.

During this campaign period, every day, 1st highest recharger gets Tk 25,000, 2nd gets Tk 10,000, 3rd gets Tk 5,000, next 10 rechargers get Tk 500 and the rest 487 get Tk 100 cashback each.

Mobile recharge using the app or USSD code *247# is one of the most popular services of bKash, country’s largest mobile financial services (MFS) provider. The country’s top telecom operator Grameenphone has been connected with this service since the beginning to allow customers to recharge their phones easily and conveniently. To make customers’ experience more exciting, bKash launched the weeklong campaign. To know more visit here –


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