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Citizen Land Service Center launched on trial

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  • Update Time : বুধবার, ফেব্রুয়ারি ৮, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : The Citizen Land Service Center (Nagorik Bhumiseba Kendra/Customer Service Center) is experimentally started at Bhumi Bhaban, Tejgaon in the capital.

Along with receiving land services by calling 16122, citizens can directly come to the customer service center for legal advice related to land and various types of land services such as e-Mutation, land development tax, etc. Initially, this service is being provided by 9 agents. In addition, experienced land experts will provide substantive land advice, if applicable.

Citizens have been getting any kind of land service or filing complaints by calling the helpline number 16122 (from abroad +880 96123 16122) or sending a comment or message on the land ministry’s service page ‘ভূমিসেবা Land Service’ Facebook page (www.facebook.com/land.gov.bd). This time – the Citizen Land Service Center started experimentally. This ‘Citizen Service Centre’ is for those who prefer to come and receive legal advice and services of various types of land services such as e-Mutation, land development tax, etc.

After successful synchronization with all land services, the Prime Minister is due to roll out the Citizen Land Service Center, along with other important new land service management systems.

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