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BRAC Bank’s ‘Women Warriors’ recognised for Q1 ‘2024 performance

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  • Update Time : বুধবার, মে ২২, ২০২৪,

Dhaka, Wednesday, May 22, 2024: BRAC Bank has recognised top-performing female officials of its Distribution Network who achieved outstanding deposit business performance during the first quarter of 2024.
At a celebration styled ‘Women Warriors’, Selim R. F. Hussain, Managing Director & CEO, BRAC Bank, along with other senior officials, handed over awards to the Branches’ female officials of the bank, who contributed significantly to the bank’s deposit business growth during January-March 2024.
Sheikh Mohammad Ashfaque, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Branches, and Members of the Senior Management Committee attended the ceremony.
Taher Hasan Al Mamun, Senior Zonal Head; A.K.M.Tareq, Senior Zonal Head; and other senior officials of Distribution Network were present at the ceremony on May 8, 2024.
Female leaders in key frontline roles play a significant part in the bank’s rapid business growth. As a people-centric organisation, BRAC Bank provides a conducive workplace environment and capacity-building opportunity to help women achieve fast-track career progression and professional success.

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