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BRAC Bank, SME Foundation empower women entrepreneurs with handloom product innovation workshop

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  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ১৪, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : BRAC Bank, in collaboration with the SME Foundation, has recently concluded a groundbreaking workshop to foster product innovation and enhance the market potential of traditional handloom products crafted by the vibrant women entrepreneurs of the Chattogram Hill Tracts. The initiative is a testament to the organizations’ ongoing commitment to nurturing the SME sector in the region.

From August 29 to September 2, 2023, 31 dynamic women entrepreneurs from the districts of Rangamati, Khagrachhari, and Bandarban immersed themselves in a five-day workshop in Rangamati. Guided by the renowned international designer Tenzing Chakma, a native of Rangamati, the participants received hands-on training encompassing various aspects of handloom production including design, style, weaving, finishing, and packaging.

To elevate the indigenous handloom products – which range from dresses, scarves, and bed sheets to bags, table runners, and other household items – to mainstream markets, both locally and internationally, the training was strategically bifurcated into two phases. The first phase accentuated understanding mainstream customer demands, innovation, and familiarizing with contemporary styles and trends. The subsequent phase delved into product design development while cherishing and preserving the rich tribal heritage embedded in these crafts.

Syed Abdul Momen, Deputy Managing Director & Head of SME Banking, expressed his enthusiasm about the initiative, stating, “BRAC Bank has steadfastly championed the cause of women SMEs in Bangladesh. This endeavor in the hill tracts region, an area brimming with entrepreneurial potential among women, is a proud milestone in our journey.” He further highlighted the partnership with the SME Foundation, appreciating their shared vision for nurturing grassroots entrepreneurship across Bangladesh.

Looking ahead, the nurturing journey of these artisans is far from over. BRAC Bank and SME Foundation have pledged to facilitate avenues for the participants to showcase their refined products at the prestigious national SME fair, a move designed to foster greater market access and business expansion opportunities.

As these budding entrepreneurs return to their workshops, armed with enriched knowledge and honed skills, the horizon looks promising not just for them but for the rich tapestry of traditional handloom products of the Chattogram Hill Tracts, poised to captivate a broader audience both nationally and globally.

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