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BRAC Bank, Data Edge sign agreement on Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (BACH) and Nikash Applications 

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  • Update Time : শুক্রবার, সেপ্টেম্বর ২২, ২০২৩,

Staff Reporter, Dhaka : BRAC Bank and Data Edge Limited have signed an agreement for the new purchase of Thales Luna S700 Hardware Security Module (HSM) for Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (BACH) and Nikash Application. The security solution will enhance security and smoothen inter-bank clearing and financial transactions.

The first automated national payment infrastructure was established in 2010, under the name Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (BACH). Over the past 13 years, BACH demonstrated its value in the payment and settlement system by cutting the time and risks associated with those financial transactions. By constructing a digital clearing house where clearing was formerly done manually, the system makes life easier for people.

Nurun Nahar Begum, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of BRAC Bank, represented BRAC Bank in the agreement-signing ceremony at the bank’s head office in Dhaka on August 17, 2023 while Asifuzzaman, Managing Director of Data Edge Limited, represented Data Edge Limited. Ashesh Thanawala, Channel Sales Director, APJ Cloud Protection & Licensing, Thales, took part in the event along with Prasun Srivastava, Channel Lead Solutions Architect, APJ Cloud Protection & Licensing, Thales.

Addressing the issue of such an agreement, Nurun Nahar Begum, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of BRAC Bank, said, “We are delighted to sign an agreement with Data Edge for key security solutions. This solution will bolster security and smoothen the clearing process, ultimately providing a better experience for the valued customers.”

From BRAC Bank, Najmus Sakeb Jamil, Head of Technology Infrastructure and Systems Management; Aminul Hoque Sarwar, Head of Procurement; Kazi Jonayed-un-Naby, Senior Manager, Core System; Aman Ullah Sarker, Senior Manager, Core System, attended the ceremony. From Data Edge Limited, Asim Talukdar, Chief Business Officer (CBO); and Engr. Tawhid Jayed Bin Jafar, Manager of Application, was present.

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